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ALTERNATIVE 미그 스타 프린트 레이서 탱크
  Brand 기타브랜드
  Regular Price $32.00
  Our Price $10.00
  판매가격 0 원

  Description & Specifications

ALTERNATIVE 미그 스타 프린트 레이서 탱크


Size M

가슴둘레 16 1/2 인치

기장 28 인치

ALTERNATIVE taps some serious star power with this spangled tank, ready for the holiday weekend with a crisp white pair of crops.

Fits true to size, order your normal size

Scoop neck, sleeveless, allover star print

Rounded hem with contrast stitching, racerback

Approx. 27" from back of neck to hem, based on a size small


Machine wash

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